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The Heir to the Demon Ruler #3: The Price of the Soul

Ally has sworn to stay in The Underworld, but Ezrael won’t let her friends go back to Earth, until she agrees to undergo a transformation that will awaken her demonic genes. Ally starts her new life among the demons, but some are less than thrilled to see her assume her new position as the heir to the demon ruler and an officer in his army. After a while, she begins to master her new abilities and earns the respect of the demons, but she also learns about an ancient prophecy that gives her an important role to play in Ezrael’s evil plans. One day, Tristan brings Ally back to Earth, where they get an offer that would change their lives forever. Now, it’s up to the heirs to decide which path to follow. The Price of the Soul is volume three of THE HEIR TO THE DEMON RULER – a young adult trilogy about paranormal forces, love, and difficult choices.
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Printed pages250 Sider
Publish date07 Jul 2020
Published byTellerup A/S
ISBN epub9788758840659