Healthy 80/10/10 Raw Vegan Recipes

Author Louise Koch is a ‘raw vegan foods’ diet coach, successful author, speaker and YouTuber. Formerly a Danish television producer with a high-stress job, she cured herself from a long list of stress-related diseases by eating only fresh raw foods. She changed her lifestyle and returned to college to study nutrician and this book contains some of her favourite recipes.

Recipes for nutrician and fun, based on the High Carb Low Fat Raw Food
diet, 80/10/10 - min 80% carb, max 10% protein, max 10% fat - prepared
by Danish nutrician coach, Louise Koch.
Would you like to be truly healthy? Now you have the chance. This recipe
book will provide you with amazing raw food recipes made from raw
fruits and vegetables that are easy, simple to make and super nutritious.
Your body will simply love it.
20,21  USD
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Printed pages112
Publish date01 Jun 2017
ISBN print9788792632678