About the author

Michel Houellebecq (French: [miʃɛl wɛlbɛk]; born Michel Thomas; 26 February 1956) is a French author, filmmaker, and poet.

His first book was a biographical essay on the horror writer H. P. Lovecraft. Houellebecq published his first novel, Whatever, in 1994. His next novel, Atomised, published in 1998, brought him international fame as well as controversy. Platform followed in 2001. He published several books of poems, including The Art of Struggle (Le sens du combat) in 1996. After a publicity tour for Platform led to his being taken to court for inciting racial hatred, he moved to Ireland for several years. He currently resides in France, where he has been described as "France’s biggest literary export and, some say, greatest living writer." In 2010 he published La Carte et le Territoire (published the same year in English as The Map and the Territory) which won the prestigious Prix Goncourt; and, in 2015, Submission.

About the author

Michel Houellebecq (French: [miʃɛl wɛlbɛk]; born Michel Thomas; 26 February 1956) is a French author, filmmaker, and poet.

His first book was a biographical essay on the horror writer H. P. Lovecraft. Houellebecq published his first novel, Whatever, in 1994. His next novel, Atomised, published in 1998, brought him international fame as well as controversy. Platform followed in 2001. He published several books of poems, including The Art of Struggle (Le sens du combat) in 1996. After a publicity tour for Platform led to his being taken to court for inciting racial hatred, he moved to Ireland for several years. He currently resides in France, where he has been described as "France’s biggest literary export and, some say, greatest living writer." In 2010 he published La Carte et le Territoire (published the same year in English as The Map and the Territory) which won the prestigious Prix Goncourt; and, in 2015, Submission.

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Om litteratur, religion, tro, ytringsfrihed, konservatisme og kærlighed. I denne bog beskæftiger den franske forfatter Michel Houellebecq sig direkte med de emner, der altid har optaget ham. Her forklarer og perspektiverer han de positioner og holdninger, vi kender ham for, og som både provokerer og stimulerer. Bogen rummer desuden en række personlige samtaler og interviews, som giver et interessant og tankevækkende indblik i Houellebecqs overvejelser om sit eget forfatterskab, om inspirationskilderne og bevæggrundene til at skrive. Det er underholdende og oplysende læsning, og for de fleste vil der nok være et par overraskelser undervejs. "Interventioner" er desuden – måske – Michel Houellebecqs sidste udgivelse af essays og tekster, herefter vil han efter eget udsagn afholde sig fra at mene noget offentligt nogensinde mere. 
28,15  USD
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Printed pages300
Publish date01 Dec 2021
Published byVinter Forlag
ISBN print9788794024150
ISBN epub9788794024167