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Field biology

Field Biology provides a valuable tool for anyone involved with studying nature. The book explains how to organize and implement investigations of biological communities, ecosystems, and individual organisms and populations, using basic methodologies, including equipment for the acquisition of electronic data. Emphasis is placed on the collection and description of data, but the presentation and dissemination of results is also covered. The topics covered include: Basic ecological conditions in different ecosystems Study and description of plant life Study and description of animal life Study and description of factors effecting life in water Study and description of factors affecting life on land How agricultural farmland is managed for optimal food production Reproduction of plant and animal populations, their size and distribution The past as key to understanding the present Methods and equipment Safety in the field and in the laboratory Analysis of data, statistics, and the processing and presentation of data Esbern Warncke is a biologist at Aarhus University, with many years' experience in field biology, and has been an external examiner of applied science at Danish universities.
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Printed pages
Publish date29 Apr 2013
Published byEsbern Warncke
ISBN epub9788799608713