About the author

Suresh Rattan (full name: Suresh Inder Singh Rattan; born in 1955 in Amritsar, India) is a biogerontologist – a researcher in the field of biology of ageing, biogerontology.

In addition to his professional research work on the biology of ageing, he is also very much interested and involved in the public communication of science and he likes to undertake explorations in the Indian classical music and semi-classical music by playing Tabla – the North Indian drums, as evident from music CDs "State of the Art: Small Town People" by Harry Jokumsen and other artists (2008), and "The Fall and the Rise of a Woman" by Pearl (2014) in which he plays Tabla under his artistic name Shashi Maharaj.

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1955. Det er det tal, Suresh Rattan kan læse på sin fødselsattest. I den alder banker forfaldet på hos enhver, men han føler sig ikke så gammel. Faktisk har han det som en tyve år yngre vårhare, og han ved godt hvorfor, men han er jo også aldersforsker ved Aarhus Universitet. Takket være evolutionen kan vi ikke forestille os selv ældre end 45, og biologisk set burde vi bare opgive ånden, når vi har opdraget et par tro kopier af os selv. Til alle os, der gerne vil leve lidt længere, har Suresh opfundet formlen for evigt liv. Lad os håbe, den virker.
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Printed pages62 Sider
Publish date02 Jan 2017
ISBN pdf9788771842425
ISBN epub9788771842432
ISBN audio9788771842883