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One Man Three Women

Get an insight into how men think about relationships, love and the challenge of being honest toward yourself and those close to you. Inspired by Pouline Middleton’s novel “One Woman Three Men” about Elizabeth seeking three men, Christian decides to find himself three women to fulfill his different wishes: An exotic type, a soulmate and a young, wild-at-heart woman. The novel “One Man Three Women” is an account of his experiences. Christian starts dating and meets exciting women. Things he has not anticipated begin to happen. He regularly meets up with his friends to discuss his situation and get advice on how to tackle his conscience when having more than one close relationship. Is it possible to love three women at the same time? The diary is inspired by real events.
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Printed pages269 Sider
Publish date12 Mar 2011
Published byFiction Works ApS
ISBN epub9788799662944