About the author

Max Gladstone (born May 28, 1984) is an American fantasy author. He is best known for his 2012 debut novel Three Parts Dead, which is part of the Craft Sequence, and his urban fantasy serial Bookburners.

Prepared at St. Andrew's-Sewanee School in Tennessee, Gladstone is a graduate of Yale University, where he studied Chinese. He has worked in China, including as a teacher in a rural area of Anhui from 2006 to 2008, and as a translator for a car magazine.

In April 2013, Gladstone was nominated for the 2012 John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer.

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Bogbrænderne: Skilt, bog og lys 1

Magi findes, og nogle bøger bider fra sig. Følg Sal Brooks, den seneste rekrut på en hemmelig magisk mission, mens hun rejser verden rundt for at holde overnaturlige kræfter i skak. Men husk: Hold øjnene åbne, og rør ikke ved noget.
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Printed pages39 Sider
Publish date17 Aug 2017
ISBN epub9788711728093
ISBN audio9788711852675