About the author

Roslund & Hellström is a Swedish crime writing duo composed of journalist Anders Roslund (born 1961) and Börge Hellström (1957–2017), a famous debater on the Swedish correctional system. Since 2004 full time writers. Until then, Roslund for fifteen years worked as a news reporter, head of Culture News and head of news for Rapport News, Aktuellt and Kulturnyheterna. Hellström is an ex-con and one of the founders of Kriminellas Revansch i Samhället (KRIS), an organisation fighting to prevent crime.

The duo made their debut with the crime novel Odjuret (English translation: The Beast) in 2004. A recurring theme in their novels is the question of who is the real victim and who the criminal when a crime has been committed.

Their works have been translated into Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, Russian, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Lithuanian, Estonian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Slovenian, Croatian, Hungarian, Slovak, Czech, Icelandic, Finnish, Danish, Norwegian, Hebrew, Turkish, Greek, Macedonian and Catalan.

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Det er tidlig morgen i Stockholm, da politikommissær Ewert Grens bliver kaldt til et lighus, der har et lig for meget. Liget er efterladt i et aflåst rum blandt andre døde kroppe. Den tidligere civilagent Piet Hoffmann befinder sig på et nyt kontinent. Han har én sidste opgave foran sig, før han for altid kan lægge den kriminelle verden bag sig. Opgaven kræver, at han bevæger sig gennem ørkenen til et oprørt hav i en verden, hvor menneskeliv er uden værdi. Hjemme i Sverige venter Hoffmanns kone, Zofia, og deres to drenge på, at Piet kommer hjem. Både Hoffmann og Grens har lovet dem, at familien aldrig mere vil være i fare.
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Printed pages383 Sider
Publish date02 Nov 2018
Published byModtryk
ISBN epub9788770071048
ISBN audio9788770071024