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Teamwork & Leadership Redefined

What we need is a redefinition of leadership teams and teamwork, which is exactly what this book represents. Many of the leadership tasks in today’s organizations cross organizational boundaries. They require a well-functioning leadership team to be solved professionally. However, as Anders Trillingsgaard points out in the first lines of the book: “Leadership teams can be like organizational black holes that consume and destroy all the energy, initiative and ambition of both leaders and employees. Or they can be fountains or even geysers of relentless progress, exciting ambitions, creative collaboration and human development.” TEAMWORK & LEADERSHIP REDEFINED is built around 8 redefining insights that challenge widespread, yet outdated understandings of teamwork and leadership that often give rise to confusion and ineffective leadership. To give the reader more room for discussion and interpretations the book also contains three separate case studies co-authored by leading colleagues in the field of leadership team training: BRIAN PETERSEN, THE TABLE GROUP ANNELISE GOLDSTEIN, MAERSK TANKERS LOTTE SVALGAARD, INSEAD AND ACTION LAB TEAMWORK & LEADERSHIP REDEFINED er oversat til engelsk af Jens Czapkowski fra Ledelsesteamet gentænkt, Dansk Psykologisk Forlag 2015.
39,90  USD
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Printed pages220 Sider
Publish date27 Oct 2021
ISBN epub9788771587425