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The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling

Henry Fielding’s most famous novel, ‘The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling,’ is packed with humour, romance, and mischief. The eponymous hero is discovered as a baby on the doorstep of the rich Mr Allworthy. Allworthy takes Jones in to raise and educate him. However, young Tom is a lustful creature and prone to the pleasures of the flesh. With various dalliances under his belt, Jones falls in love with the beautiful Sophia Western. Can he throw aside his Bacchanalian pursuits or is love something he’ll never attain? Bawdy, funny, and riddled with historical detail, ‘The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling’ is one of the most important books in literary history.
11,78  USD
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Printed pages975 Sider
Publish date06 Apr 2022
Published bySAGA Egmont
ISBN epub9788728258378