About the author

Philipp Meyer (born January 5, 1974) is an American fiction writer, and is the author of the novels American Rust and The Son, as well as short stories published in The New Yorker and other places. Meyer also created and produced the AMC television show based on his novel. Meyer won the 2009 Los Angeles Times Book Prize, was the recipient of a 2010 Guggenheim Fellowship and was a finalist for the 2014 Pulitzer Prize. He won the 2014 Lucien Barrière prize in France and the 2015 Prix Littérature-Monde Prize in France. In 2017 he was named a Chevalier (Knight) in France's Ordre des Arts et des Lettres.

Meyer considers his literary influences to be "the modernists, basically Woolf, Faulkner, Joyce, Hemingway, Welty, etc." Various outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Times, and the UK's Telegraph have compared his writing to William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, Cormac McCarthy, and J. D. Salinger.

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Stor roman om det moderne Amerikas tilblivelse. En fortælling om tre generationer, der tager læseren med fra det vilde vestens kultivering til det olierige, moderne Texas. Om 13-årige Eli McCullogh, hvis familie myrdes af en hærgende comanche-stamme. Selv bliver han optaget i stammen som høvdingens adoptivsøn, indtil han på ny bliver alene og tvinges til atter at prøve at finde en plads i en verden, han ikke hører til i. Det bliver til en rejse, der præger de følgende generationer i McCullogh-familien, som bliver en af de rigeste i Texas.

Af forfatteren til American Rust.

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Printed pages600 Sider
Publish date04 Jun 2014
Published byGyldendal
ISBN epub9788702120127