About the author

Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an American journalist, novelist, short-story writer, and sportsman. His economical and understated style—which he termed the iceberg theory—had a strong influence on 20th-century fiction, while his adventurous lifestyle and his public image brought him admiration from later generations. Hemingway produced most of his work between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s, and he won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. He published seven novels, six short-story collections, and two non-fiction works. Three of his novels, four short-story collections, and three non-fiction works were published posthumously. Many of his works are considered classics of American literature.

Hemingway was raised in Oak Park, Illinois. After high school, he was a reporter for a few months for The Kansas City Star before leaving for the Italian Front to enlist as an ambulance driver in World War I. In 1918, he was seriously wounded and returned home. His wartime experiences formed the basis for his novel A Farewell to Arms (1929).

In 1921, Hemingway married Hadley Richardson, the first of four wives. They moved to Paris where he worked as a foreign correspondent and fell under the influence of the modernist writers and artists of the 1920s' "Lost Generation" expatriate community. His debut novel The Sun Also Rises was published in 1926. He divorced Richardson in 1927 and married Pauline Pfeiffer; they divorced after he returned from the Spanish Civil War, where he had been a journalist. He based For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940) on his experience there. Martha Gellhorn became his third wife in 1940; they separated after he met Mary Welsh in London during World War II. He was present with the troops as a journalist at the Normandy landings and the liberation of Paris.

Hemingway went on safari to Africa shortly after the publication of The Old Man and the Sea (1952), where he was involved in two successive near-fatal plane crashes that left him in pain and ill-health for much of the rest of his life. In 1959, he bought a house in Ketchum, Idaho where he ended his own life in mid-1961.

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At have og ikke have

I Key West, Florida kæmper fiskeren, Harry Morgan, for at holde sig ovenpå og ernære sin familie under 1930‘ernes depression, som tvinger ham ud i livsfarligt menneskesmugleri mellem Florida og Cuba.

Harrys hårde kamp for eksistensen og familien modstilles de rige yachtejeres liv i luksus, der er optaget af overfladiske bekymringer og neurotiske udskejelser.

"At have og ikke have" udkom i 1937 og er Hemingways bidske kommentar til livet i USA under depressionen i 1930‘erne, og romanens skiftende synsvinkler giver et indblik i livet blandt både de, som "har", og de, som "ikke har".

"Bevægende og fængslende. Romanen åbner med én skudveksling og når sit klimaks med en anden. Spændingsniveauet er højt gennem hele romanen." – Times Literary Supplement

""At have og ikke have" er en slags bagside af F. Scott Fitzgeralds "Den store Gatsby". Man romantiserer ikke længere den lovløse, luksuslivet ses fra et andet synspunkt, og den gyldne glamour er forsvundet sammen med det økonomiske boom." – New York Times

"Spændende som en roman af Stevenson, et evangelium af samme indhold og intensitet som det, der prædikes i Lawrences "Lady Chatterleys elsker"." – Tom Kristensen Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) er en af det 20.århundredes mest betydningsfulde amerikanske forfattere. Gennem sit arbejde som journalist lærte han sig en enkel stil, der blev karakteristisk for hans forfatterskab. I 1954 blev Ernest Hemingway tildelt Nobelprisen i litteratur.
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Publish date23 Aug 2017
ISBN epub9788711378410