About the author

Gunilla Elisabet Dukure Bergström (born 3 July 1942) is a Swedish author, journalist, and illustrator from Gothenburg. She is best known for her series of children's books about the character Alfie Atkins (Swedish: Alfons Åberg).

Bergström moved to Stockholm in 1966 to begin her career as a journalist. She worked for Swedish newspapers such as Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. Bergström debuted as a children's book author in 1971, and released her first Alfie Atkins book in 1972. She has been a children's book author ever since, having released twenty-five Alfie books as of 2007. These books have been translated into twenty-nine different languages and have sold over eight million copies worldwide. Four million copies have been sold in Sweden alone. In 2006, her book Alfons och soldatpappan was released simultaneously in seven different languages; this had never happened before for a Swedish children's book.

Bergström has also written children's books about character such as Milla, Bill, and Bolla. Bergström says she receives the inspiration for her stories from everyday life. She is also interested in psychology and human behavior, and incorporates this into some of her books. Bergström describes herself as a nit-picky person when it comes to writing. She illustrates her own books and often works with collage.

Bergström is currently the owner of her own company, Bok-Makaren (English: Book-Maker), which handles the licenses to the Alfie Atkins series. Licenses have been granted for theater productions and Alfie dolls, puzzles, and computer games. Bergström has commented that there is "nothing wrong with making commerce of famous things, but we are careful about who we sell licenses to."

As of 2007, Bergström was living in Stockholm with her West African husband. They spend their winters together in West Africa. Bergström is a grandmother.

In 2012 Gunilla Bergström was awarded Illis Quorum by the Swedish Government.

Den store bog om Alfons Åberg

Fem skønne historier

Kender du Alfons Åberg? Han bor sammen med sin far og er ligesom de fleste andre børn. Ikke specielt stor og ikke specielt stærk. Og det med at slås gør han sig helst ikke i. Han kan være glad og i drillehumør, men også vred, misundelig og mørkeræd.

I denne jubilæumsudgave har Gunilla Bergström selv udvalgt fem af sine bøger om Alfons Åberg, som alle viser ham i forskellige aldre. I 2022 er det nemlig 50 år siden, den første Alfons-bog udkom. 

I samlingen indgår: Godnat, Alfons Åberg, Fikst klaret, Alfons Åberg!, Hvad sagde Alfons Åbergs far?, Hvor er ballade-Alfons og Hvor langt når Alfons?

22,01  USD
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Printed pages160
Publish date08 Aug 2022
Published byGyldendal
ISBN print9788702357035