About the author

Daniel Smart "Dan" Fante (February 19, 1944 – November 23, 2015) was an American author and playwright. He was born in Los Angeles.

Fante was the son of acclaimed novelist John Fante whose writing came back into vogue after Charles Bukowski declared him "my God", and wrote the introduction to the reprint of Fante's seminal novel about life in Los Angeles, Ask the Dust.

Chump Change, Mooch, 86'd and Spitting Off Tall Buildings comprise a trilogy about Fante's hard living alter-ego Bruno Dante. Chump Change found publication in France originally, before being published in the US by Sun Dog Press. The trilogy was then published in America by Harper Perennial and by United Kingdom publisher Canongate. Short Dog is a collection of short stories about Fante's life as a cab driver in LA.

As well as novels and short stories, Fante is the author of two plays - "The Closer / The Boiler Room" described by the Los Angeles Times as "ferociously profane", and "Don Giovanni", about which 3:AM Magazine said: "For those who want to know what is REALLY going on in post-modern American literature right now, Don Giovanni should be essential reading." Both plays are published in book form by Long Beach publisher Burning Shore Press. He is also the author of A Gin-Pissing-Raw-Meat-Dual-Carburetor-V8-Son-Of-A-Bitch From Los Angeles, a volume of poetry on Wrecking Ball Press.

He died on November 23, 2015 in Los Angeles at the age of 71.

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Erindringsværk af Dan Fante, søn af den legendariske forfatter John Fante.

Det er ikke en John Fante biografi, men en personlig beskrivelse af hvordan det har været at vokse op som søn af John Fante og have hans passion for både ordet og flasken med sig i bagagen.

Dan Fante har levet på bunden af samfundet, han pakker ikke noget ind og er ikke bange for at beskrive sin egen fremfærd som dumt svin.

Det er en usentimental, barsk, ligefrem og ærlig fortælling - et hudløst billede af det underpriviligerede USA i tresserne og halvfjerdserne. Dan Fante (1944-2015) var en amerikansk forfatter og dramatiker. Til trods for at Dan Fante er amerikaner, debuterede han i første omgang i Frankrig med romanen "Chump change", der også udgør første del i en trilogi om Dan Fantes alterego Bruno Fante og hans hårdkogte liv i Los Angeles. I det hele taget fylder Los Angeles og den smeltedigel af håb og drømme, mismod og misbrug en del i Dan Fantes forfatterskab.
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Printed pages365 Sider
Publish date02 Jan 2014
ISBN epub9788711359884