About the author

Lisa Kleypas (born 1964) is a best-selling American author of historical and contemporary romance novels. In 1985, she was named Miss Massachusetts 1985 and competed in the Miss America 1986 pageant in Atlantic City.

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Lilys længsel

Craven-serien 1

Lily Lawson smuk, rig og hæmningsløs og kan godt lide at chokere det bedre borgerskab. Og hun holder sig ikke tilbage for at få, hvad hun ønsker. Hun sætter sig op imod den mægtige Alex, lord Wolverton. Og det får helt uventede konsekvenser for dem begge.  
20,25  USD
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Printed pages400
Publish date04 Apr 2019
Published byFlamingo
ISBN print9788763860956
ISBN epub9788763860963
ISBN audio9788763861823