About the author

Richard Martin Stern (March 17, 1915 in Fresno, California – October 31, 2001 in Santa Fe, New Mexico) was an American novelist. Stern began his writing career in the 1950s with mystery tales of private investigators, winning a 1959 Edgar Award for Best First Novel, for The Bright Road to Fear.

He was most notable for his 1973 novel The Tower, in which a fire engulfs a new metal-and-glass frame skyrise. Stern was inspired to write the novel by the construction of the World Trade Center in New York City. Warner Brothers bought the rights to the novel shortly after its publication for roughly $400,000, and Stern's book, in combination with the novel The Glass Inferno by Thomas N. Scortia and Frank M. Robinson, was the basis for the movie The Towering Inferno, directed by Irwin Allen and John Guillermin and featuring an all-star cast. With an fourteen million dollar budget, the film went on to earn over a hundred million at the American box office.

Stern was known for his "brainy, digressive," novels, mainly mysteries and disaster-related suspense. He died on October 31, 2001 after prolonged illness. He was 86.

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Bjergets fange

Seks mennesker er fanget i en hule højt oppe i Rocky Mountains – seks mennesker, tilfældigt bragt sammen af en pludselg opstået snestorm, der nu raser med fuld styrke.

Nede i dalen starter seks medlemmer af et redningshold på deres livs vanskeligste opgave i det frosne, stenede bjergterræn.

Deres chancer for at gennemføre redningsaktionen bliver mindre for hvert minut, medens hver centimeter ny, fygende sne øger faren for lavineskred. Tiden er den altafgørende faktor – og den går alt for hurtigt.

Richard Martin Stern (1915-2001) var amerikansk forfatter. Stern skrev adskillige kriminal- og spændingsromaner, som fx BJERGETS FANGE, katastroferomanen om en ildebrand i en skyskraber, TÅRNET, der senere blev filmatiseret og en stor filmsucces.
9,56  USD
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Printed pages284 Sider
Publish date31 Oct 2016
ISBN epub9788711679463
ISBN audio9788711840009