About the author

Colum McCann (born 28 February 1965) is an Irish writer of literary fiction. He was born in Dublin, Ireland and now lives in New York. He is a Distinguished Professor of Creative Writing in the Master of Fine Arts program at Hunter College, New York with fellow novelists Peter Carey and Tea Obreht, and has visited many universities and colleges all over the world.

His work has been published in 35 languages and has appeared in the New Yorker, Esquire, and the Paris Review, among other publications. He has written for The New York Times, Esquire, Paris Review, and The Atlantic Monthly, as well as many other international publications.

McCann has written six novels, including TransAtlantic and the National Book Award-winning Let the Great World Spin. He has also written three collections of short stories, including Thirteen Ways of Looking, released in October 2015.

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Anden verdenskrig er slut, og de russiske soldater vender hjem fra fronten. De syge og invalide indlægges på hospitaler, og på et af disse har man en dag indkaldt nogle børn til at danse. Her skiller en seksårig dreng sig ud for sin ihærdighed og sit talent. Han hedder Rudik og skal senere blive verdensstjernen Rudolf Nurejev. Danser er en biografisk roman om en af de største balletstjerner nogensinde - fra hans opvækst i et fattigt Rusland til hans triumfer som balletdanser, som førte til hans afhopning til Vesten og et liv i overhalingsbanen. Men det er også historien om et liv viet til kunsten, om hans kompromisløse krav til sig selv og sine omgivelser og om de omkostninger, der er en uundgåelig del af det. For dansen er alt.
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Printed pages390 Sider
Publish date28 Aug 2017
Published byPeople's
ISBN epub9788771806113