About the author

Hanne-Vibeke Holst (born 21 February 1959 in Hjørring, Denmark) is an author. She has an education as a journalist and has worked on the Danish newspapers Berlingske Tidende and Søndags B.T.

She is the daughter of authors Knud Holst Andersen and Kirsten Johanne Høybye. She was married in 1984. Today, she acts as a Goodwill Ambassador to the UNFPA and is a personal appointed member of the Danish UNESCO National Commission.

Her books are mainly about modern women facing both new options and old problems, and have been translated to several languages, including German, Dutch, and Swedish.

In 2003 she was awarded the Søren Gyldendal Prize. In 2008 she won the Danish booksellers annual prize De Gyldne Laurbær (The Golden Laurel).

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Det virkelige liv

Anden del af Therese-trilogien.

Efter at have født datteren Zarina befinder den tidligere så karriereorienterede Therese sig i en helt ny tilværelse, der først og fremmest består af at amme, skifte og sove. Hun prøver at få styr på sit forhold til kæresten Paul og oplever samtidig et mærkeligt skæbnefællesskab med Heidi fra Ishøj.

'Er dette det virkelige liv?', spørger Therese sig selv, mens verdenssituationen, jobbet på tv-stationen og den hellige integritet fortoner sig i barnegråd og bleskift.

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Printed pages310 Sider
Publish date14 Dec 2015
Published byGyldendal
ISBN epub9788702103359