About the author

Ernst Ingmar Bergman (14 July 1918 – 30 July 2007) was a Swedish director, writer, and producer who worked in film, television, theatre and radio. Considered to be among the most accomplished, acclaimed and influential filmmakers of all time, Bergman's films include Smiles of a Summer Night (1955), The Seventh Seal (1957), Wild Strawberries (1957), Persona (1966), Cries and Whispers (1972), Scenes from a Marriage (1973), and Fanny and Alexander (1982); the last two exist in extended television versions.

Bergman directed over sixty films and documentaries for cinematic release and for television screenings, most of which he also wrote. He also directed over 170 plays. He eventually forged a creative partnership with his cinematographers Gunnar Fischer and Sven Nykvist. Among his company of actors were Harriet and Bibi Andersson, Liv Ullmann, Gunnar Björnstrand, Erland Josephson, Ingrid Thulin and Max von Sydow. Most of his films were set in Sweden, and many films from Through a Glass Darkly (1961) onward were filmed on the island of Fårö.

Philip French referred to Bergman as "one of the greatest artists of the 20th century ... he found in literature and the performing arts a way of both recreating and questioning the human condition." Director Martin Scorsese commented; "If you were alive in the 50s and the 60s and of a certain age, a teenager on your way to becoming an adult, and you wanted to make movies, I don't see how you couldn't be influenced by Bergman ....It's impossible to overestimate the effect that those films had on people."

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Romantrilogi: Den gode vilje, Søndagsbarn, Personlige samtaler

Ingmar Bergmans anmelderroste, selvbiografiske romaner Den gode vilje (1991), Søndagsbarn (1993) og Personlige samtaler (1996) udkommer nu for første gang samlet. Romantrilogien skildrer en medrivende slægshistorie om kærlighed, familie og parforhold, fortalt med humor og intellekt midt i den svenske idyl - med Ingmar Bergmans egen familie i centrum.

Den gode vilje handler om mødet mellem Ingmar Bergmans forældre og skildrer deres forelskelse og ægteskab, indtil de umiddelbart før Ingmar Bergmans fødsel forlader præstegården i Forsboda og flytter til Stockholm. Søndagsbarn skildrer en sommer i Ingmar Bergmans barndom med den bergmanske familie, men også ægteskabet mellem Ingmars far og mor, som det opleves gennem barnets øjne. I Personlige samtaler belyses forældrenes ægteskab, og den katastrofe, det har udviklet sig til, gennem fem personlige samtaler.

Romantrilogien præsenteres nu for første gang i samlet form med et forord af The New Yorker-skribenten Daniel Mendelsohn.

10,83  USD
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Printed pages565 Sider
Publish date31 May 2019
Published byGyldendal
ISBN epub9788702282511