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The Aramoana massacre was a spree shooting that occurred on 13 November 1990 in the small seaside township of Aramoana, northeast of Dunedin, New Zealand. Resident David Gray killed 13 people after a verbal dispute with his next-door neighbour, including local police Sergeant Stewart Guthrie, one of the first responders to the reports of a shooting. After a careful house-to-house search the next day, police officers led by the Anti-Terrorist Squad (now known as the Special Tactics Group) located Gray, and shot and injured him as he came out of a house firing from the hip. He died in an ambulance while being transported to hospital. Television news carried live reports from the scene.

After the shootings, sweeping changes were made to New Zealand's firearms legislation in 1992, including 10 year photographic licences and tight restrictions on military style semi-automatic firearms.

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Royalist på flugt

Royalist på flugt

For år tilbage hævede oberst Sir Edward Grey sin forlovelse med Arabella og ødelagde deres chance for lykke. Nu har den engelske borgerkrig bragt dem sammen igen, og Edward har brug for Arabellas hjælp til at beskytte sin søn, mens han selv må flygte for at redde sit liv.

Lady Arabella Fairburn er tilbageholdende med at hjælpe den mand, der engang afviste hende. Dog føler hun, at der stadig gemmer sig en hædersmand i ham. Sammen flygter de til Frankrig, hvor Arabella må beslutte, hvorvidt hun skal give han en chance på ny - og genoplive deres lidenskab igen!

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Printed pages304 Sider
Publish date01 Oct 2017
Published byHarlequin
ISBN epub9789150788525