About the author

Jens Christian Grøndahl (born 9 November 1959 in Lyngby) is a Danish writer.

His novel An Altered Light was shortlisted for the 2006 International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award.

In 1998 he won the Danish booksellers award De Gyldne Laurbær (The Golden Laurel) for his novel Lucca.

In 2017, Grøndahl went on the record stating that "It's never the woman's fault if a man decides to attack her. But, that said...well, when I look at the picture of the victim, the way she let herself be photographed, the look she gives the camera...I can't help but think that this is a girl who's looking for trouble." regarding the beheading of journalist Kim Wall.

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Tit er jeg glad

Tit er jeg glad af Jens Christian Grøndahl er en ægteskabshistorie, en bog om kærlighed, om familier og familierelationer. Georg er lige død, og hans kone nummer to, Ellinor, står tilbage med hans to tvillingesønner af første ægteskab. Hvad gør man så? Historien er henvendt til drengenes døde mor, Anna. ”Tit er jeg glad” er en dramatisk bog om udfordrende familierelationer.

10,83  USD
EditionEdition 1
Printed pages
Publish date07 Oct 2016
Published byGyldendal
ISBN audio9788702206234