About the author

William McGuire Bryson (; born 8 December 1951) is an American-British author of books on travel, the English language, science, and other non-fiction topics. Born in the United States, he has been a resident of Britain for most of his adult life, returning to the United States between 1995 and 2003, and holds dual American and British citizenship. He served as the chancellor of Durham University from 2005 to 2011.

Bryson came to prominence in the United Kingdom with the publication of Notes from a Small Island (1995), an exploration of Britain, and its accompanying television series. He received widespread recognition again with the publication of A Short History of Nearly Everything (2003), a book widely acclaimed for its accessible communication of science.

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En guide til indehavere

Vi går gennem hele livet i en og samme krop, og alligevel ved de fleste af os stort set intet om, hvordan vores krop fungerer, og hvad der sker inden i os. Dette gør den formidable videnskabsformidler Bill Bryson, forfatter til bl.a. bestselleren En kort historie om næsten alt, noget ved. I Kroppen – en guide for indehavere tager han os med på en dybt fascinerende rejse fra top til tå og anskueliggør det vidunder, vores legeme er. Bogen er rigt illustreret og sprængfuld af viden om de mest forunderlige ting ved vores fysik, og den er, som forfatterens tidligere bøger, skrevet så ligetil og underholdende, at alle kan og får lyst til, at være med.  

16,10  EUR
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Printed pages456 Sider
Publish date15 Nov 2019
Published byGyldendal
ISBN epub9788702296044
ISBN audio9788702296051