About the author

Haruki Murakami (村上 春樹, Murakami Haruki, born January 12, 1949) is a Japanese writer. His books and stories have been bestsellers in Japan as well as internationally, with his work being translated into 50 languages and selling millions of copies outside his native country. His work has received numerous awards, including the World Fantasy Award, the Frank O'Connor International Short Story Award, the Franz Kafka Prize, and the Jerusalem Prize.

Murakami's most notable works include A Wild Sheep Chase (1982), Norwegian Wood (1987), The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (1994–95), Kafka on the Shore (2002), and 1Q84 (2009–10). He has also translated into Japanese works by writers including Raymond Carver and J. D. Salinger. His fiction, sometimes criticized by Japan's literary establishment as un-Japanese, was influenced by Western writers from Chandler to Vonnegut by way of Brautigan. It is frequently surrealistic and melancholic or fatalistic, marked by a Kafkaesque rendition of the "recurrent themes of alienation and loneliness" he weaves into his narratives. Steven Poole of The Guardian praised Murakami as "among the world's greatest living novelists" for his works and achievements.

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Trækopfuglens krønike

"Telefonen ringede, mens jeg var ved at koge spaghetti ude i køkkenet. Jeg havde stillet ind på FM og fløjtede med på ouverturen til Rossinis ´Den tyvagtige Skade´, den perfekte musik at koge pasta til." Så tilforladeligt og hverdagsagtigt starter denne fantastiske fortælling. Men da fortælleren, den unge og for tiden arbejdsløse, nærmest hyperalmindelige fyr, Toru Okada, tager telefonen, hører han en stemme, der tilhører en kvinde, han ikke kender - ikke desto mindre lader hun til at vide alt om ham. Hermed er det endegyldigt forbi med hans uforstyrrede hverdagsrutiner.
20,33  EUR
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Edition1. elektroniske udg.
Printed pages700 Sider
Publish date01 Mar 2013
Published byKlim
ISBN epub9788771292503
ISBN audio9788779559516