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Around the world with my knitting needles

New Zealand

Trine has knitted herself through New Zealand, mostly on the South Island. It has turned into this book with 12 lovely knitted models as well as evocative images and stories from Trine's knitting trip. The knitting clearly show her passion for natural materials and completed designs. Sweaters, hats, scarves and shawls, all with elaborate patterns and instructions for yarn purchases. Trine has consciously chosen that dreams, joy and enthusiasm are ‘must be’ in her life. Through this dedication, she infects the reader. The book is full of love and good energy which makes reading an inspiring experience. And Trine's journey is proof that it works: You can succeed in living your dreams! Trine has been knitting and designing since she was a child and she is a qualified teacher in needlework and knitting from Håndarbejdets Fremmes Seminarium in Copenhagen. In addition, she is a qualified coach and through many levels of teaching has managed to create a special symbiosis between both programs for the benefit of the recipient. Trine gives lectures about her knitting trip and about following her dreams supplemented with lots of pictures and knitwork.
10,79  USD
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Printed pages
Publish date06 Jan 2021
Published bySaxo Publish
ISBN epub9788740416923