About the author

Jørgen Jørgensen (name of birth: Jürgensen, and changed to Jorgenson from 1817) (29 March 1780 – 20 January 1841) was a Danish adventurer during the Age of Revolution. During the Action of 2 March 1808 his ship was captured by the British. In 1809 he sailed to Iceland, declared the country independent from Denmark and pronounced himself its ruler. He intended to found a new republic following the United States and the French First Republic. He was also a prolific writer of letters, papers, pamphlets and newspaper articles covering a wide variety of subjects, and for a period was an associate of the famous botanists Joseph Banks and William Jackson Hooker. He left over a hundred written autographs and drawings, most of which are collected in the British Library. Marcus Clarke referred to Jørgensen as "a singularly accomplished fortune wooer—one of the most interesting human comets recorded in history".

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Den lodrette beståen

Europæisk kultur- og idehistorie

Den lodrette beståen sætter os på sporet af de europæiske tanker og fortolkninger ved kronologisk at præsentere kilderne til den vesterlandske kultur. Det sker ved idehistorisk at beskrive tænkningen i antikken, middelalderen, renæssancen, reformationen, oplysningstiden, romantikken og religionskritikken i det 19. århundrede samt det 20. og 21. århundredes filosofi og kultur- og religionsmøde. Ligeledes gives et religionshistorisk indblik i jødedommens, kristendommens og islams oprindelse og grundforestillinger.
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Edition2. udgave
Printed pages272 Sider
Publish date19 Jan 2018
Published byEksistensen
ISBN pdf9788741004051