About the author

David Favrholdt (24 April 1931 – 6 December 2012) was a Danish philosopher, educated with M.A.s in psychology and philosophy and later Dr. Phil. from Copenhagen University. He is one of few Danes to be included in the International Who's Who.

In 1958 he got a gold medal for his thesis on the concept of consciousness at the University of Aarhus. He was employed as Professor in 1966 by University of Southern Denmark until his retirement, and Professor Emeritus afterwards. He became a member of the Academia Europaea in 1989, and a member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences in 1976. He was editor of Symposium from 1968 to 1978 and the Danish Yearbook of Philosophy from the 1985 to 1991. He has been a member of the National Committee of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science since 1982 and chairman of the union from 1990 to 1998. Moreover, he won Fyens Stiftstidende's research prize in 1972.

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Kinesisk filosofi

Den kinesiske filosofihistorie strækker sig tusindvis af år tilbage i tiden og har haft enorm indflydelse på verdens filosofihistorie, buddhisme, taoisme og en række andre religioner og kulturelle strømninger. Professor i filosofi David Favrholdt giver en kort og overskuelig indførsel i den kinesiske filosofis forskellige strømninger og store tænkere. Bogen er forsynet med et kort over oldtidens Kina og en litteraturliste til yderligere læsning om det spændende og næsten uudtømmelige emne. David Favrholdt (1931-2012) var en dansk filosof, der skrev en lang række bøger om blandt andet bevidsthedsfilosofi, videnskabsteori og erkendelse. Han stod endvidere bag flere bøger om Niels Bohr. David Favrholdt uddannet cand.psych. og mag.art. i psykologi og filosofi. I 1966 blev han professor ved Odense Universitet, hvor han forblev frem til, at han trak sig tilbage i 2001 og blev professor emeritus.
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Printed pages115 Sider
Publish date09 Jul 2020
Published bySAGA Egmont
ISBN epub9788726477160