About the author

Jane Anne Plant CBE, FREng, FRSE, FRSA was a leading geochemist, scientist, and author. Plant was a pioneer in the field of geochemical surveys and environmental surveys. She was Chief Scientist at the British Geological Survey and was a Professor of Geochemistry at Imperial College London. Plant was also highly involved in the Institution of Mining & Metallurgy (now Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining) where she was involved in many aspects including a role on the Council, and was the first female President of the Institution of Mining & Metallurgy, a post she held from 2001 to 2002. This gave her an extensive network of key connections with government, industry and academia.

Plant was diagnosed with cancer several times and studied the link between diet and breast cancer. She published several books on the subject.

Plant was appointed a CBE in 1997 in recognition of her contribution to Earth science and industry. She was a British Geological Survey scientist until her retirement from the role of Chief Scientist in 2005. Plant was Emeritus Professor of Geochemistry at Imperial College until her death on 4 March 2016.

Plantkuren - din mad, dit liv

Forebyg og overvind bryst- og prostatakræft ved hjælp af det du spiser


FORORD AF UMAHRO CADOGAN (Sundhedsrevolutionen.dk)   

   ◦ Kost, der kan hjælpe dig med forebygge og overvinde bryst- og prostatakræft.
   ◦ Lækker og nem mælkefri kost for alle, der vil leve sundt.

Plantkuren viser, hvordan en kost af naturlige, rene og friske råvarer, uden mælkeprodukter, styrker kroppen og og giver fornyet energi og større modstandskraft. Det er en livsstil, der kan forebygge og overvinde bryst- og prostatakræft og supplere traditionel medicinsk behandling. Plantkuren giver ikke bare håb og opmuntring til dem, der er i traditionel medicinsk behandling, den kan hjælpe til med at redde liv. Nogle få grundprincipper og nye indkøbsvaner er alt, hvad du behøver for at komme i gang. 

Med 288 opskrifter på supersunde, velsmagende og nemme mælkefri måltider med masser af grøntsager og andre gode ting har du muligheden for at opbygge en sund og stærk krop. Hvad enten du er syg eller rask kan du hente masser af inspiration til morgenmad, frokost, middagsmad, desserter og mellemmåltider - indbydende og livgivende mad, der strutter af sundhed og er hurtig at tilberede. 
13,08  EUR
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Printed pages270
Publish date08 Oct 2010
Published byAronsen
ISBN print9788799238521