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The Eagle's Flight

The Chronicles of Adalmearc

Peace in the Seven Realms of Adalmearc is only as strong as those who rule them. With the death of the high king and his heir too young to assume the throne, political intrigues fill the landscape as the leading noble families scheme and plot their way to power. Meanwhile, enemies abroad sense the changes and make their own preparations. Standing as a safeguard against both foreign foes as well as enemies closer to heart are the Order and its knights. Keeping the realms of Adalmearc united and at peace is their foremost duty. But when the strife turns political and the enemy is difficult to discern, when alliances shift and allegiances are torn, even the hitherto unassailable honour of a knight may become stained. "The Eagle's Flight" compiles the first three of the Chronicles of Adalmearc. It is a journey into the fantastic world of Adal, its realms, peoples, cultures, and conflicts.
2,42  EUR
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Printed pages500 Sider
Publish date30 May 2016
Published byBooks on Demand
ISBN epub9788771885064