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Stress Or no Stress

A Self-Help Book Against Stress

This book can help you eliminate your stress. You will learn to understand what stress is. You will learn techniques to help you eliminate stress from your body. You will learn how to tackle stress in your everyday life and how you can become strong when faced with stress in the future. Everyone can learn to become stress free. The book is a practical tool, a kind of manual, which leads you from “stress” to “no stress.” Use the book for self-study and follow the directions step by step. You can also use it together with a coach. And finally you can use the book as inspiration, where you find the techniques and tools that suit you the best. Bjarne Toftegård, PhD, is a stress consultant, a coach, and one of Denmark’s leading lecturers on stress. He has established the company Prevent Stress, which helps a great number of companies understand, manage, and prevent stress.
8,45  EUR
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Printed pages104 Sider
Publish date01 Mar 2015
Published byForlaget Go' Bog
ISBN epub9788791913372