About the author

Rane Willerslev is a Danish anthropologist. In his academic career, he has travelled extensively and has a particular interest in primitive tribal cultures, both present and prehistoric. On 1 July 2017, he was appointed director of the National Museum of Denmark by Culture Minister Mette Bock.

In Denmark, Willerslev is a popular media personality, engaging in TV and radio shows, public panel debates, and interviews relating to his academic interests and his opinions on society and education at large. He has written and co-authored several books, including academic, fictional and biographic works.

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Det er guddommeligt at fejle

Vi befinder os i en ulykkelig og langvarig kreativitetskrise, som vi må se at komme ud af. De egenskaber, der skal til for at omsætte kreativitet til en kraftfuld katalysator for en sund og dynamisk samfundsudvikling, bliver hverken efterspurgt eller belønnet. Vi har udviklet et nulfejlsregimente og har mistet modet til at fejle produktivt. Det er endnu ikke for sent. Men det er på høje tid, at vi TÆNKER VILDT!
16,30  EUR
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EditionVersion 2
Printed pages160 Sider
Publish date31 May 2017
Published byPeople's
ISBN epub9788771806410
ISBN audio9788771809541