About the author

Tove Marika Jansson (Finland Swedish pronunciation: [ˈtuːve ˈjɑːnson] (listen); 9 August 1914 – 27 June 2001) was a Swedish-speaking Finnish author, novelist, painter, illustrator and comic strip author. Brought up by artistic parents, Jansson studied art from 1930 to 1938 in Stockholm, Helsinki and Paris. Her first solo art exhibition was in 1943. At the same time, she was writing short stories and articles for publication, as well as creating the graphics for book covers and other purposes. She continued to work as an artist and a writer for the rest of her life.

Jansson wrote the Moomin books for children, starting in 1945 with The Moomins and the Great Flood. The next two books, Comet in Moominland and Finn Family Moomintroll, published in 1946 and 1948 respectively, were highly successful in sales, adding to sales of the first book. For her work as a children's writer she received the Hans Christian Andersen Medal in 1966.

Starting with the semi-autobiographical Bildhuggarens dotter (Sculptor's Daughter) in 1968, Jansson wrote six novels, including the admired Sommarboken (The Summer Book), and five books of short stories for adults.

Ærligt spil

Ærligt spil – Tove Janssons sidste roman fra 1989 – udkommer nu for første gang på dansk. Kunstneren Jonna og forfatteren og illustratoren Mari har været livspartnere i en lille evighed. De to kvinder bor dør om dør og er på mange måder hinandens modsætninger, men måske netop derfor fuldender de hinanden. I korte kapitler suges man ind i deres hverdag i atelieret, foran tv'et og ude på en lille ø i skærgården. Kunst bliver skabt, skænderier bruser op, og forsoningen lyser forude, mens de to diskuterer bl.a. kunstnerisk praksis og muligheden for at leve et ærligt liv.   Ærligt spil er en roman om ensomhed og fællesskab og længslen efter at forsvinde ind i sit eget værelse, også når man er velsignet med kærlighed. Tove Jansson døde i 2001 i en alder af 86 år.    
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Printed pages144
Publish date20 Oct 2023
Published byGyldendal
ISBN print9788702382952