About the author

Howard Phillips Lovecraft (US: ; August 20, 1890–March 15, 1937) was an American writer of weird fiction and horror fiction. Born in Providence, Rhode Island, he spent most of his life there, and his fiction was primarily set against a New England backdrop. Lovecraft was never able to support himself from earnings as an author and editor, and he subsisted in progressively strained circumstances in his last years. He died of cancer at the age of 46.

Lovecraft was virtually unknown during his lifetime and published only in pulp magazines before he died in poverty, but is now regarded as one of the most significant 20th-century authors of weird and horror fiction. Among his most celebrated tales are The Rats in the Walls, The Call of Cthulhu, At the Mountains of Madness, The Shadow over Innsmouth, and The Shadow Out of Time. His writings were the basis of the Cthulhu Mythos, which has inspired a large body of pastiches, games, music and other media drawing on Lovecraft's characters, setting and themes, constituting a wider body of work known as Lovecraftian horror.

Ved vanviddets bjerge. Fortællinger 1929-1937

Fortællinger 1929-1937

Howard Philips Lovecraft (1890-1937) er amerikansk horrorlitteraturs største navn mellem Edgar Allan Poe og Stephen King. I sin levetid opnåede han kun meget begrænset udbredelse, men senere har hans særegne, intense skrivestil og ofte kontroversielle verdensbillede fået kolossal indflydelse inden for både litteratur, fra Stephen King til Michel Houellebecq, film, tegneserier, rollespil, computerspil og musik, fra Metallica til Deadmau5.

Dette bind fortsætter udgivelsen af Lovecrafts samlede fortællinger og fører forfatterskabet frem fra dets definerende midterperiode, der er udgivet i bindet Cthulhu kalder. Fortællinger 1926-1928, til forfatterskabets – og Lovecrafts livs – afslutning. I disse noveller udbygger Lovecraft sine mytologier med sin store interesse for naturvidenskab og aktuelle begivenheder, så der knyttes tråde både bagud til for længst forsvundne civilisationer befolket med afklarede væsner fra det ydre rum og frem til nutidige monstrøsiteter, der befolker de fiktive regioner i New England omkring den sagnomspundne Miskatonic-flod og byen Arkham.

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Printed pages676
Publish date29 Mar 2019
Published byKandor
ISBN print9788771710502