About the author

Svend Åge Madsen (Danish pronunciation: [ˈsvɛnˀ ˈɔːʊ ˈmæsn̩] born 2 November 1939) is a Danish novelist. He studied mathematics before he began writing fiction. His novels are generally philosophical and humorous. Several of his works have been made into films in Denmark. His writings are extensive and has been translated into many languages.

Madsen's writing style and philosophy have placed him amongst the most distinguished and widely read authors in Denmark today. His novels reflect the grave problems faced by modern civilisation, and a number of them have achieved cult status in Denmark. The interplay between quasi-realism and complete fantasy in Svend Åge Madsen’s novels leads to contemplation of the indefinable nature of human existence.

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Nærvær og Næsten

Tomas Fants familiekrøniker

En samling historier om en familiegruppes eksil til sydens varme fordi moderen er blevet "smittet". I de lange mørke aftener begynder faderen, den ellers så reserverede Tomas Fant, at fortælle historier om sig selv og sine forfædre. Langsomt fortæller han sig ud af sig selv og frem til en hel person, og han fortæller sin kone ud af sygdommen og dem begge frem til et hidtil ukendt nærvær. Tomas Fants fortællinger stammer fra novelleantologien Septemberfortællinger (1988) og genudgives her med venlig tilladelse fra Brøndums Forlag.
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Publish date13 Jun 2016
Published byGyldendal
ISBN epub9788702147025
ISBN audio9788702272246