About the author

Emilio Salgari (Italian pronunciation: [eˈmiːljo salˈɡaːri], but often erroneously pronounced [ˈsalɡari]; 21 August 1862 – 25 April 1911) was an Italian writer of action adventure swashbucklers and a pioneer of science fiction.

In Italy, his extensive body of work was more widely read than that of Dante. Today he is still among the 40 most translated Italian authors. Many of his most popular novels have been adapted as comics, animated series and feature films. He is considered the father of Italian adventure fiction and Italian pop culture, and the "grandfather" of the Spaghetti Western.

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Bådsmand Stenhoved

Vi er midt i den amerikanske uafhængighedskrig (1775-83). Britterne forsøger med vold og magt at beholde Amerika som koloni, men amerikanerne kæmper imod hjulpet godt på vej af fribyttere fra Bermuda. Fribytteren Kaptajn William McLellan kæmper på amerikanernes side mod sine engelske landsmænd, som har taget hans forlovede til fange. Kaptajnens to sprælske besætningsmedlemmer "Stenhoved" og "Sælhunden" gør alt, hvad de kan for at hjælpe med den halsbrækkende redningsaktion. Mon det lykkedes dem at redde den stakkels Maria uden, at det kommer til at koste dem livet?...
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Printed pages158 Sider
Publish date11 Nov 2016
ISBN epub9788711664827
ISBN audio9788711954492