About the author

Jan Oskar Sverre Lucien Henri Guillou (Swedish pronunciation: [¹jɑːn ɡɪ¹juː], French: [ɡiju]; born 17 January 1944) is a French-Swedish author and journalist. Among his books are a series of spy fiction novels about a spy named Carl Hamilton, and a trilogy(+) of historical fiction novels about a Knight Templar, Arn Magnusson. He is the owner of one of the largest publishing companies in Sweden, Piratförlaget (Pirate Publishing), together with his wife, publisher Ann-Marie Skarp, and Liza Marklund.

Guillou's fame in Sweden was established during his time as an investigative journalist. In 1973, he and co-reporter Peter Bratt exposed a secret intelligence organization in Sweden, Informationsbyrån (IB). He is still active within journalism as a column writer for the Swedish evening tabloid Aftonbladet.

In October 2009, the tabloid Expressen accused Guillou of having been active as an agent of the Soviet spy organization KGB between 1967 and 1972. Guillou confirmed he had a series of contacts with KGB representatives during this period, he also confirms having received payments from KGB, but maintains that his purpose was to collect information for his journalistic work. The accusation was based on documents released from the Swedish Security Service (Säpo) and interviews with former KGB Colonel Oleg Gordievsky. In a later trial, Expressen denied having accused Guillou of having been a Soviet spy, claiming that this was a false interpretation of its headlines and reporting.

About the author

Jan Oskar Sverre Lucien Henri Guillou (Swedish pronunciation: [¹jɑːn ɡɪ¹juː], French: [ɡiju]; born 17 January 1944) is a French-Swedish author and journalist. Among his books are a series of spy fiction novels about a spy named Carl Hamilton, and a trilogy(+) of historical fiction novels about a Knight Templar, Arn Magnusson. He is the owner of one of the largest publishing companies in Sweden, Piratförlaget (Pirate Publishing), together with his wife, publisher Ann-Marie Skarp, and Liza Marklund.

Guillou's fame in Sweden was established during his time as an investigative journalist. In 1973, he and co-reporter Peter Bratt exposed a secret intelligence organization in Sweden, Informationsbyrån (IB). He is still active within journalism as a column writer for the Swedish evening tabloid Aftonbladet.

In October 2009, the tabloid Expressen accused Guillou of having been active as an agent of the Soviet spy organization KGB between 1967 and 1972. Guillou confirmed he had a series of contacts with KGB representatives during this period, he also confirms having received payments from KGB, but maintains that his purpose was to collect information for his journalistic work. The accusation was based on documents released from the Swedish Security Service (Säpo) and interviews with former KGB Colonel Oleg Gordievsky. In a later trial, Expressen denied having accused Guillou of having been a Soviet spy, claiming that this was a false interpretation of its headlines and reporting.

Den der dræbte helvedes engle

1. Bind

Det er ikke hvilke som helst pensionister, der havner i kampen mod ekstrem og særdeles velorganiseret kriminalitet. Den ene er journalistveteranen Erik Ponti, den anden hans gamle ven, den tidligere efterretningsofficer Carl Hamilton.  Umiddelbart et umage par, som det dog vil være klogt ikke at undervurdere. De ender hurtigt i et begivenhedsrigt og langtfra ufarligt eventyr.    

DEN DER DRÆBTE HELVEDES ENGLE er første bog i en planlagt serie om Carl Hamilton og Erik Ponti, som er gået sammen for at bekæmpe uretfærdighed i samfundet.   

Carl Hamilton, der går under kodenavnet Coq Rouge, er hovedpersonen i Jan Guillous hæsblæsende ti bind store agentserie, Hamilton-serien (1985-1996). Carl Hamilton er det farligste våben, Sverige nogensinde har haft. Efter Hamilton-serien spillede Carl Hamilton også hovedrollen i bøgerne MADAME TERROR og IKKE HVIS DET GÆLDER DIN DATTER. Hamilton-serien har opnået klassikerstatus, og de enkelte bøger er flere gange filmatiseret både som tv-serier og spillefilm. 
Erik Ponti optræder hyppigt i Jan Guillous romaner. Han er hovedpersonen i Jan Guillous fremragende og evigt aktuelle roman, ONDSKABEN, og han spiller en central rolle i romanerne TYVENES MARKED, FJENDEN I OS SELV og i flere af de seneste bind i den historiske romanserie Det Store Århundrede. Erik Ponti er journalist og har flere lighedspunkter med Jan Guillou selv. 

"Han er stadig Sveriges enfant terrible ... for os danskere minder Jan Guillou som polemisk elegantier om vor egen Klaus Rifbjerg." Politiken, 5 hjerter

"Denne deres første sag om chikane af en velhavende ældre dame har mange udløbere, der både udfordrer Hamiltons adgang til efterretningsverdenens mange ressourcer og kalder på Pontis ørneblik for social uretfærdighed." Jyllands-Posten, 4 stjerner

"Man er i godt selskab med Hamilton og Ponti – og Guillou." Nordjyske Stiftstidende

"Det er en frydefuld læseoplevelse – Guillou i absolut metatopform ... fremragende, anderledes og modig Guillou-roman." Bibliotekernes lektørudtalelse

”Jan Guillou har haft det usædvanligt sjovt. Det er aldeles morsomt, ondskabsfuldt og aktuelt … en ny frisk eftermiddagsbrise blæser igennem prosaen. En ny vitalitet.” Dagens Nyheter     

”Det er i hans syn på omverdenen, Guillou er bedst. Han skildrer det at blive ældre med let hånd og viser en usvigelig interesse for verden omkring sig. Han vil ikke gå på pension, er ikke færdig med at tænke, og som forfatter er han langt fra træt.” Aftonbladet    

”DEN DER DRÆBTE HELVEDES ENGLE er god. Endda bedre end god. Guillou har aldrig tidligere gjort brug af så interessant en fortælleteknik.” Expressen 
24,15  EUR
Buy printed book
Printed pages315
Publish date24 May 2022
Published byModtryk
ISBN print9788770076081