About the author

Bernard Cornwell, (born 23 February 1944) is an English author of historical novels and a history of the Waterloo Campaign. He is best known for his novels about Napoleonic Wars rifleman Richard Sharpe. He has written historical novels primarily on English history in five series, and one series of contemporary thriller novels. A feature of his historical novels is an end note on how they match or differ from history, and what one might see at the modern sites of the battles described. One series is set in the American Civil War. He wrote a nonfiction book on the battle of Waterloo, in addition to the fictional story of the famous battle in the Sharpe Series. Two of the historical novel series have been adapted for television: the Sharpe television series by ITV and The Last Kingdom by BBC. He lives in the US with his wife, alternating between Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and Charleston, South Carolina.

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Die Herren des Nordens

England im 9. Jahrhundert: Nachdem Uhtred, der Krieger, dem englischen König Alfred zum Sieg über die Dänen verholfen hat, geht er zurück nach Nordengland. Dort, in seiner vom Krieg erschütterten Heimat, will er Rache an seinem Erzfeind Kjartan nehmen. Doch bevor es dazu kommt, wird Uhtred verraten und verkauft – als Sklave auf ein Schiff. Wird er je wieder englischen Boden betreten?
14,43  EUR
Printed pages
Publish date01 Dec 2021
Published bySAGA Egmont
ISBN audio9783899648256