About the author

Frank Edward Peretti (born January 13, 1951) is a New York Times best-selling author of Christian fiction, whose novels primarily focus on the supernatural. To date, his works have sold over 15 million copies worldwide. Peretti is best known for his novels This Present Darkness (1986) and Piercing the Darkness (1989). Peretti has held ministry credentials with the Assemblies of God, and formerly played the banjo in a bluegrass band called Northern Cross. He now lives in Coeur d'Alene Idaho with his wife, Barbara.

About the author

Frank Edward Peretti (born January 13, 1951) is a New York Times best-selling author of Christian fiction, whose novels primarily focus on the supernatural. To date, his works have sold over 15 million copies worldwide. Peretti is best known for his novels This Present Darkness (1986) and Piercing the Darkness (1989). Peretti has held ministry credentials with the Assemblies of God, and formerly played the banjo in a bluegrass band called Northern Cross. He now lives in Coeur d'Alene Idaho with his wife, Barbara.

I Dette Mørke

Genoptryk af Frank Perettis action-pakkede thriller

Ashton er bare en typisk lille by. Men da en skeptisk journalist og en gudfrygtig præst begynder at sammenholde deres notater og tanker, opdager de pludselig, at de befinder sig midt i kampen mod en grufuld New Age-sammensværgelse, som prøver at få magten over byen og dens indbyggere - og på sigt over hele verden. Midt i spændingsfeltet er en gruppe kristne, som trofast beder for byens beboere og på forskellig vis erfarer bønnens magt.

Det er en medrivende thriller, som giver et fascinerende og levende indblik i den åndelige kamp, der foregår omkring os og skærper forståelsen af behovet for bøn.

Dette er nr. 1 i en to-binds serie - fortsættelsen hedder: Ud af Mørket.

16,02  EUR
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Printed pages481
Publish date03 Mar 2014
ISBN print9788771322866