About the author

Mark Millar (; born 24 December 1969) is a Scottish comic book writer, best known for his work on The Authority, The Ultimates, Marvel Knights Spider-Man, Ultimate Fantastic Four, Civil War, Kingsman: The Secret Service, Wanted, Chrononauts, Superior and Kick-Ass, the latter seven of which have been, or are planned to be, adapted into feature films.

His DC Comics work includes Superman: Red Son. At Marvel Comics he created The Ultimates, selected by Time magazine as the comic book of the decade, and described by screenwriter Zak Penn as a major inspiration for The Avengers movie. Millar also created Wolverine: Old Man Logan and Civil War, two of Marvel's biggest-selling graphic novels. Civil War (comics) was the basis for the Captain America: Civil War film and Old Man Logan was the inspiration for Fox's Logan film.

Millar has been an executive producer on all of his films, and for four years worked as a creative consultant to Fox Studios on their Marvel slate of films. In 2017, Netflix bought Millar's comic line, Millarworld, which Millar and his wife Lucy will continue to run; publishing new comics and adapting them for other media.

Old Man Logan

Der er brug for Wolverine mere end nogensinde før … men hvor er han?Velkommen til en alternativ fremtid på Jord-807128, hvor USA regeres af superskurke. Ingen ved, hvad der skete den nat heltene faldt. Det eneste, der vides er, at de forsvandt og at superskurkene har tyranniseret lige siden. Det største mysterium er dog, hvad der skete med Wolverine. Nogen siger, at han blev såret som aldrig før. Andre siger, at han bare blev træt af at slås og trak sig tilbage. Uanset hvad, så har Old Man Logan ikke trukket sine klør i næsten 50 år – før nu!
18,58  USD
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Printed pages224
Publish date24 Mar 2021
ISBN print9788771762051