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Feeling Her Presence - Erotic Short Story

Stolen glances and dreamy scenarios in a train carriage. Outside, rain drizzles down lightly across the open countryside. Inside, two women sit across from each other, one of them getting more and more interested in the other‘s every move. Soon, the fantasy grows so intense that she must do something, anything, to feed her mounting desire. Katja Slonawski writes exciting and charged short stories about ordinary people in extraordinary situations. Focusing on the bubbly sensations that can only be brought to life by touch and expectation, she describes complex characters and challenges the idea of a traditional erotic short story. Katja Slonawski is an author of short stories and a word artist. She lives in the south of Sweden, but she is born and raised on the west coast, in Gothenburg.
2,19  EUR
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Printed pages15 Sider
Publish date22 Nov 2019
Published byLUST
ISBN epub9788726303780
ISBN audio9788726303810