About the author

Edward Bellamy (March 26, 1850 – May 22, 1898) was an American author, journalist, and political activist most famous for his utopian novel, Looking Backward. Bellamy's vision of a harmonious future world inspired the formation of numerous "Nationalist Clubs" dedicated to the propagation of Bellamy's political ideas.

After working as a journalist and writing several unremarkable novels, Bellamy published Looking Backward in 1888. Looking Backward was one of the most commercially successful books published in the United States in the 19th century, and it especially appealed to a generation of intellectuals alienated from the dark side of Gilded Age. In the early 1890s, Bellamy established a newspaper known as The New Nation and began to promote united action between the various Nationalist Clubs and the emerging Populist Party. He published Equality, a sequel to Looking Backward, in 1897, and died the following year.

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Cent ans après ou l'An 2000

Julian West vit au 19ème siècle - mais une expérience hors du commun l'amène en l'an 2000: Julian y découvre un monde sans problèmes ni inégalités sociales et où règne la justice: de quoi faire rêver son époque d'origine! Né en 1850 dans le Massachusets, Edward Bellamy ne se consacra à l'écriture qu'après avoir interrompu ses études de droit et avoir travaillé dans le monde du journalisme. Les idées sociales de son roman Cent ans après ou l'an 2000 entrainèrent la création de divers mouvements politiques, notamment aux Pays-Bas.
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Printed pages239 Sider
Publish date01 Mar 2021
Published bySAGA Egmont
ISBN epub9788726583052