About the author

Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins, better known as Anthony Hope (9 February 1863 – 8 July 1933), was an English novelist and playwright. He was a prolific writer, especially of adventure novels but he is remembered predominantly for only two books: The Prisoner of Zenda (1894) and its sequel Rupert of Hentzau (1898). These works, "minor classics" of English literature, are set in the contemporaneous fictional country of Ruritania and spawned the genre known as Ruritanian romance, works set in fictional European locales similar to the novels. Zenda has inspired many adaptations, most notably the 1937 Hollywood movie of the same name.

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Filosoffen i æblehaven

Den unge miss May søger råd hos den filosofisk anlagte mr. Jerningham om, hvem af to givne herrer, hun helst bør forlove sig med.

Muligvis er der tale om et temmelig slet skjult frieri fra pigens side, men det finder "filosoffen" vist aldrig ud af...

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Printed pages23 Sider
Publish date28 Mar 2004
Published byeBibliotek 1800
ISBN epub9788779790667