About the author

Madeleine Sophie Townley (born 12 December 1969), known by her pen name Sophie Kinsella, is an English author. The first two novels in her best-selling Shopaholic series, The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic and Shopaholic Abroad, were adapted into the film Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009). Her books have sold over 40 million copies in more than 60 countries, and been translated into over 40 languages.

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Mig og min fe-mor (2) Fe in spe

Hej, jeg hedder Ellen, og min familie har en hemmelighed. Min mor ligner andre mødre. Hun ser helt almindelig ud. Men det er hun ikke! Hun kan nemlig forvandle sig til en fe. Fire historier med magiske misforståelser og finurlige feforviklinger i denne anden bog om Ellen og hendes fe-mor.
13,49  EUR
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Printed pages168 Sider
Publish date27 Apr 2020
Published byGads Forlag
ISBN epub9788762738430
ISBN audio9788762738447