About the author

Erving Goffman (11 June 1922 – 19 November 1982) was a Canadian-born sociologist, social psychologist, and writer, considered by some "the most influential American sociologist of the twentieth century". In 2007 he was listed by The Times Higher Education Guide as the sixth most-cited author in the humanities and social sciences, behind Anthony Giddens, Pierre Bourdieu and Michel Foucault, and ahead of Jürgen Habermas.

Goffman was the 73rd president of the American Sociological Association. His best-known contribution to social theory is his study of symbolic interaction. This took the form of dramaturgical analysis, beginning with his 1956 book, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Goffman's other major works include Asylums (1961), Stigma (1963), Interaction Ritual (1967), Frame Analysis (1974), and Forms of Talk (1981). His major areas of study included the sociology of everyday life, social interaction, the social construction of self, social organization (framing) of experience, and particular elements of social life such as total institutions and stigmas.

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Hverdagslivets rollespil

Et af sociologiens og socialpsykologiens helt centrale værker foreligger nu for første gang på dansk. Med teatrets verden som bogens bærende metaforik viser den canadisk-fødte sociolog Erving Goffman, hvordan individet præsenterer sig selv og sine handlinger med henblik på at lede og påvirke omverdenens opfattelse af sin hverdagslige optræden. Oversættelsen er derudover forsynet med en introduktion af Michael Hviid Jacobsen og Søren Kristiansen.
Printed pages288 Sider
Publish date03 Nov 2014
Published bySamfundslitteratur
ISBN epub9788759321508