About the author

Linda Nielsen is a professor of adolescent and educational psychology in the Department of Education at Wake Forest University. She is a nationally and internationally recognized expert on the effects of shared parenting and on father–daughter relationships. In her research, she has shown that shared parenting, where a child of divorced parents spends approximately equal time with the father and the mother, generates better health, mental and social outcomes; and that a daughters’ academic and career achievements are closely related to the quality of her childhood relationships with her father. Not to be confused with Linda Nielsen, a Danish professor of Law and former Rector of the University of Copenhagen.

About the author

Linda Nielsen is a professor of adolescent and educational psychology in the Department of Education at Wake Forest University. She is a nationally and internationally recognized expert on the effects of shared parenting and on father–daughter relationships. In her research, she has shown that shared parenting, where a child of divorced parents spends approximately equal time with the father and the mother, generates better health, mental and social outcomes; and that a daughters’ academic and career achievements are closely related to the quality of her childhood relationships with her father. Not to be confused with Linda Nielsen, a Danish professor of Law and former Rector of the University of Copenhagen.

Berlin: 30 år - 30 historier

Den 9. november 2019 var det netop 30 år siden Berlinmuren væltede, den 3. oktober 2020 er det 30 år siden de to lande blev genforenet, og i april 2021 er det min tur til at fejre 30 års jubilæum med Berlin - MIT Berlin. Det fejrer jeg med at lave denne bog. Det er en bog med 30 historier med tilhørende billeder. Det er ikke en rejsebog, som dem jeg normalt skriver, men mere fortællinger om 30 steder i byen, som jeg har et had- eller kærlighedsforhold til. Planen var egentlig at billederne, eller nogle af dem, skulle have dannet ramme om en fotoudstilling om mine 30 år med Berlin, men det faldt desværre til jorden, derfor besluttede jeg for at lave denne bog i stedet.
14,15  USD
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Printed pages68
Publish date14 Sep 2020
Published byBooks on Demand
ISBN print9788743027898