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Show Girl - Erotic Short Story

Ella has spent the last two summers exploring her sexuality and getting to know herself. This summer, she takes the final step in her journey to find herself—although she has just graduated as a social worker Ella takes on show business as a dancer in a Burlesque club. In the spotlight, she comes alive, and when the show is over, she reaches new levels of pleasure with her new friends... Reality feels distant, but when it knocks on the door one night, Ella is forced to make a decision. Will she continue to lie to her family and her friends—to herself?

Showgirl is the third short story in the series about Ella, a young and inexperienced woman who explores herself and her sexuality. Showgirl is the free-standing sequel to Camgirl and Sugargirl. Lisa Vild is a pseudonym for a Swedish author of erotic short stories. In her stories, she explores sensitive but tantalising topics. Lisa thinks that sex should be for everyone and with her short stories she hopes to paint a normalised and nuanced picture of sex. If her stories are based on her own experience or not, we leave unsaid.
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Printed pages18 Sider
Publish date18 Oct 2019
Published byLUST
ISBN epub9788726295146
ISBN audio9788726295177