About the author

Svend Brinkmann is a Danish Professor of Psychology in the Department of Communication and Psychology at Aalborg University, Denmark. He serves as a co-director of the Center for Qualitative Studies. His research is particularly concerned with philosophical, moral, and methodological issues in psychology and other human and social sciences. In recent years, Svend Brinkmann has been studying the impact of psychiatric diagnoses on individuals and society.

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kritiske diskussioner af en grænseløs udviklingskultur

Denne antologi samler en række kritiske analyser ud fra ønsket om at fremme en kritisk bevidsthed om og fælles diskussion af selvrealisering som vore dages universalværdi.
30,19  EUR
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Printed pages279
Publish date21 Nov 2005
Published byKlim
ISBN print9788779554283
ISBN epub9788771299038