About the author

Brian Harry Freemantle (born 10 June 1936) is an English thriller and non-fiction writer, known for his 1977 spy novel Charlie M.

Freemantle was born in Southampton, and has written under the pseudonyms John Maxwell, Jonathan Evans, Jack Winchester and Richard Gant. He is a Freeman of the City of London.

Until 1975, when he became a full-time writer, he was a foreign correspondent and editor for various newspapers, including the Daily Mail and the Daily Sketch. In April that year, he organised the sole British-led airlift rescue of South Vietnamese civilians during the Fall of Saigon, assisting in the evacuation of 100 orphans, of which Viktoria Cowley was one, aged approximately 18 months.

Brian and Viktoria, now a grown adult, have been featured in a few documentaries together; the first being BBC One - The Airmail Orphan. He later, made a promotional film for his own books, Open Road Media, in which Viktoria appeared. In another documentary from BBC One Northern Ireland, Viktoria introduces another Vietnamese adoptee from the flight to Brian. Most recently, on 28 March 2018, they both appeared on BBC's The One Show talking about the airlift, adoption and Vietnam.

Viktoria's son, is named Harry, Brian's middle name, in recognition of Operation Babylift back on 6 April 1975. Viktoria and Brian have been in regular contact since they first met in 2010, she is the first Vietnamese adoptee Brian has met and the only adoptee he remains in contact with. She told him: "You saved my life and those of every other child. On their behalf, and my own, I thank you.".

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Charlies leg med døden

Efter at have snydt både den engelske og den amerikanske efterretningstjeneste, bliver den snedige agent Charlie Muffin atter jagtet. Nu sætter han livet på spil for sin ven, forsikringsmanden Rupert Willoughby, som er oppe imod mafiabossen Giuseppe Terrilli, hvis eneste svaghed er frimærker fra den russiske zars sjældne samling. Brian Freemantles romanserie om Charlie Muffin (der også går under navnet Charlie M) fortæller om de eventyr, som den britiske efterretningsagent kommer ud for på sine mange højspændte og actionfyldte opgaver, hvor både hans eget og andres liv ofte kommer i fare. Den britiske forfatter Brian Freemantle (f. 1936) var helt frem til 1970’erne journalist og arbejdede med udlandsmateriale fra flere af verdens brændpunkter – blandt andet Sovjetunionen, Amerika og Vietnam. I 1975 stoppede han som journalist for at tildele forfattergerningen sin fulde opmærksomhed. I 1973 havde Freemantle fået sin litterære debut med romanen "Goodbye to an Old Friend", og efterfølgende har han udgivet både fiktion og faglitteratur. Særligt er han kendt for sin serie om den britiske efterretningsagent Charlie Muffin. Brian Freemantle har også udgivet flere bøger under forskellige pseudonymer. Hans mest brugte er Jack Winchester og Richard Grant.
Printed pages187 Sider
Publish date14 Nov 2019
ISBN epub9788711803097
ISBN audio9788711945643