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All-Inclusive – The Confessions of an Escort Part 3

Liam continues to tell his story about how he became the most popular escort in Stockholm in the third part of "All-Inclusive - The Confessions of an Escort." Liam, his French tutor Mia, her friend Célie and the adventurous Claudia meet up at a fancy restaurant to get to know each other before they plan to become intimate that night... However, women seem to find Liam more satisfying than food... And this is just the beginning of what will be a long night... Vanessa Salt is a pseudonym. Vanessa finds inspiration for the stories on her many travels, where hot exotic places nourish her erotic fantasies. She writes with humour about the passion that can arise when you least expect it.
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Printed pages15 Sider
Publish date05 Dec 2019
Published byLUST
ISBN epub9788726304879