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DILF - 10 erotic stories

Leon, Aaron and Raphael. They all have a few things in common. They’re older, experienced and off limits. But most importantly, they’re dads. DILFs: Dads I’d Like to Fuck.

I, Cecilia, am much younger than these men. They are a part of an erotic game to me. A need. An exploration of my own strong longing. I meet these men again and again. The sensation is always thrilling and seductive. Sometimes I dominate them. Sometimes they dominate me.

DILF is an erotic short story about a desire and longing for the forbidden.

This compilation of short stories includes the following:
Horny as Hell
Fuck Buddies
The Masquerade Ball
The Collective
A Midsummer Dream
Seize the Day
A Free Woman
DILF B. J. Hermansson skillfully creates short stories that encompass both quick-witted prose and poetic descriptions. The underlying tone in these texts often inspires the reader to contemplate and question our established, pre-conceived ideas, especially when it comes to the normal, standards and sexuality.
8,76  EUR
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Printed pages127 Sider
Publish date02 Dec 2021
Published byLUST
ISBN epub9788726944488