About the author

Jens Christian Grøndahl (born 9 November 1959 in Lyngby) is a Danish writer.

His novel An Altered Light was shortlisted for the 2006 International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award.

In 1998 he won the Danish booksellers award De Gyldne Laurbær (The Golden Laurel) for his novel Lucca.

In 2017, Grøndahl went on the record stating that "It's never the woman's fault if a man decides to attack her. But, that said...well, when I look at the picture of the victim, the way she let herself be photographed, the look she gives the camera...I can't help but think that this is a girl who's looking for trouble." regarding the beheading of journalist Kim Wall.

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Et andet lys

Hvorfor skal en kvindes liv altid handle om en mand?

ET ANDET LYS er en roman om kærlighedens minefelt, en skilsmisseroman om at blive forladt og om at finde sig selv.

Da den 56-årige advokat Irene Beckman bliver skilt, tager hun sin tilværelse op til revision. Samtidig med at hendes komfortable liv går i opløsning, sætter hun sig for at finde sin jødiske far. Mødet med ham og en ung flygtning bliver til en ny begyndelse for Irene.

Vinder af BG Banks Litteraturpris 2003.

"Irene Beckman er en af den slags romankvinder, som lever i læseren, efter at man har lukket bogen."
- Politiken

"Med sin melankolske tone lykkes det for Grøndahl at slå en streng an i os alle."
- Het Financieele Dagblad

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Printed pages295 Sider
Publish date20 Jun 2014
ISBN epub9788711344941
ISBN audio9788702145106